UPHill Journeys Events

UpHill Journeys  **  2019 EVENTS

March 25, 2019 (Room 5*)

May 20, 2019 (Room 5*)

August 25, 2019 (Spring Meadows/Forum)

2019 December Holiday (Details tba)

*Room 5 meetings are at Maine Medical Center in the Dana Center. Go in the gated entrance to Dana Center.  Room 5 is on the first floor just after the elevator.  The meeting is from 11:30 – 1:30.


Please RSVP to:  Jeannette 1 week prior to meeting date at 207-937-8290 or email jmmorrill15@gmail.com if planning to attend. Thanks to our sponsors, lunch is provided.

The support groups are for anyone interested in learning about or is affected by pulmonary hypertension.  It is for patients, caregivers, family and friends of patients who have pulmonary hypertension.  It gives us, the patients, a chance to meet others with pulmonary hypertension; and learn about this disease.

Prior Events

2018 Holiday Party, Chili’s

2018 Swinging for a Cure Golf Tournament & Forum

Link to 2018 Conference

Link to 2017 PH Awareness Month (November 2017)

Meeting Minutes–Live with PH